Zoomies Current Initiatives

Current Initiatives

The following information outlines our focus as well as where our efforts and resources are applied.

Helping Shelters, Rescues and more

First and foremost we are actively engaging with our friends within animal welfare, to see where we can assist and achieve results that align with our mission.

Spay/Neuter 100 animals

Thanks to low-cost clinics available in our area, the average cost to spay/neuter an animal is about $100. Spaying is typically more expensive than neutering because the procedure is more invasive, and cats are typically much cheaper than dogs because their small size requires less anesthesia and medication. However, not all clinics vary prices based on sex- some take into consideration weight, age, and other health concerns. An example of the price breakdown at The Spay and Neuter Clinic of the Sandhills is as follows:


  • 2-74 pounds = $120
  • 75+ pounds = $200
  • 2-74 cryptorchid = $200
  • 75+ cryptorchid = $280


  • Spay = $90
  • Neuter = $55
  • Cryptorchid = $120

To raise enough money to cover 100 spay and neuters- we need approximately $10,000.

Community Collaboration and Assistance

Purchase 30 live trap/humane cages to help with TNR and lost pets.

Feral cat colonies can easily be found throughout our community. There are no good estimates available but nationwide stray cat populations probably range from 35 million on the low end to over 100 million on the high end. Purchasing live trap/humane cages to help with TNR (which stand for trap/neuter/release) is essential to helping curb the cat overpopulation. Doing so eases the burden on government agencies, shelters, and good samaritans trying to feed and care for them. Plus, it improves the quality of life for other local wildlife such as birds, bunnies and squirrels. It is estimated that free-ranging cats (feral and stray mostly, but also indoor/outdoor owned cats to a lesser extent) kill upwards of 4 billion birds and up to 20+ billion small mammals every year. 

And in addition to being used for TNR, having live trap/humane cages available means that they can be lent out to worried pet owners whose animals may have gone missing. Being able to reunite lost cats and dogs with their humans can help prevent these animals from eventually ending up in shelters, or from roaming loose, getting injured or creating ‘accidental’ litters. 

Zoomies Also Wants To:

  • Purchase multiple microchip scanners to assist in reuniting pets with their owners
  • Provide 1000 doses of vaccines, specifically for parvo and canine flu to local area shelters

Initiatives To Come

The following are all in the planning stages, but we have high expectations of ourselves and believe we can get there.

Community Food Bank

A resource to help owners keep their pets even in hard times. Food assistance could assist in reducing surrenders and also facilitate more fostering.

Buying Co-op

We believe there is an opportunity for rescues and fosters to band together and flex their collective muscle in terms of buying products. This would reduce cost to all involved and stretch resources further.

Good Samaritan Fund

There is a significant need for funding of medical assistance to animals. Whether a pet escapes after a wind storm knocks down a fence, or a furry friend scurried faster than an owner can shut the door, accidents happen. Currently there are very few resources and or veterinarians positioned to help. Zoomies wants to fix that.