Who is Zoomies?
Zoomies Funny Farm is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit animal welfare organization raising awareness and support for rescues, shelters and fosters where we can.

Passionate Leader of the Zoomies
Amanda loves: puppies, bread, and Forrest. In that order.

Nerdy Tech Support
Forrest loves: Amanda, making bread, and puppies. In that order.
We met when Amanda’s rescue dog Fuzzy Lumpkins temporarily escaped , a 36 hour hair raising ordeal. A little over a year later we formed Zoomies Funny Farm and got married in the same week. We share a love of animals and the desire to make a difference where we can with who we can. We are Zoomies, and we are here to build community and help animals.

Zoomies believes!
Join with us to make a difference and enjoy doing it, one step at a time.
Our Mission
To do good and have fun, work with animal lovers and advocates, and to foster a better way.
Our Vision
A robust and engaged community that actively supports animal welfare and helps address the root causes of animal homelessness and surrender.

Our Lofty goals
To grow Zoomies initiatives and programs, extend our reach, and strengthen animal rescue and welfare in our area. Oh, don’t worry… we still have our hearts set on establishing an animal sanctuary for long term shelter and foster residence to have a more comfortable life as well as providing situational fostering to help keep animals with their owners.
Our Current goals
To actively engage the community through entertainment and events, fostering support for our programs such as spay/neuter assistance, TNR initiatives, and broader animal welfare efforts. We aim to extend resources and collaboration to rescues, shelters, fosters, and more, while building a dedicated network and following to achieve our long-term mission.

Building Community, Forging New Paths
Zoomies is approaching animal rescue and animal welfare from multiple perspectives, and not just focusing on one path to make a difference. Zoomies is cutting its own path, with ambitious goals and an engaging attitude to inspire the community and make a difference. We are attracting a community of followers to support our programs and initiatives, building on each success and focusing a keen eye on tomorrow. We keep a couple core ideas in mind at all times:
"Do Good. Have Fun."
"Help people help animals."
"Help the ones you can. Do right by the rest."
These sentiments help guide Zoomies to be different, be engaging, be impactful, and be powerful.

What are the Zoomies?
Frenetic random activity periods (FRAPs), also known as zoomies, are random bursts of energy occurring in dogs, cats and other animals in which they run frenetically, commonly in circles. Zoomies means they are happy and want to be interactive.
Get Involved and Make a Difference
Join us in supporting animal welfare through donations, volunteering, and attending events.