Opportunities To Support Zoomies
You will find general donation information as well as future options to contribute and take part in Zoomies’ mission.
Your donations help us achieve our mission and initiatives!
Clicking this button will give you the opportunity to make a general donation and take part in the growth of an energized, fun loving, and caring animal welfare organization with big goals.
We Use ZEFFY as our primary fundraising and donations engine!
Zeffy remits 100% of donated proceeds and doesn't charge processing fees or platform fees. Instead, they ask donors to contribute a small amount to power their service. Zeffy is powered by Stripe and is very helpful to our mission.
Should you desire not to contribute additional funds toward Zeffy, select “other” from the drop down just above the total and type 0 in the field. Please consider a small amount to help them provide services to Zoomies and many other nonprofits.